Ready to start your child in something awesome?
Enter your information to get ONE FREE WEEK in any of our programs, except camps.
Capoeira is a life changing Brazilian Martial Arts. We have been observing it improving children’s lives since 2000. Now it’s your change to provide your child/children with skills that will help them forever. Music, coordination, discipline, social skills are some of the many things they will get from our programs.
Fill out the form below to have somebody contacting you with detail of options and pricing.
Trial offer for $19.99. Capokids will pick up your child from his/her school and take them to the Academy for a day of after-school to see if he/she qualifies. ( Depending on availability). We pick up from select elementary school so please let us know which school your child is currently going to.
Get your tour today. Check out the only martial art preschool in town that teaches Brazilian music, instruments and martial art besides all the preschool curriculum.
We also offer summer, winter and holiday camp where your child will learn martial arts, music and some Portuguese.
Please fill out and submit the form to get started at the most fun martial art in town.